Where is your place of silence?
Mine is sitting at a piano.
You, as well as I, was granted life – by whom or what – or why – I don’t know.
What is a place of dragonflies and love doing with us?
I hear this place called Earth could be Paradise for us all – before we bit the apple, some would say. We have the know-how, technology, recourses and enough people of good will to make deserts bloom, cities run clean – and to feed us all to live as one in peace.
Why don’t we?
What is missing?
Perhaps the question: “Why can’t we all live in peace and harmony?”, is the wrong question. After all, even if we found out all the reasons why, it would change nothing. Perhaps a better question would be: “How can we live in peace and harmony?”.
How can those in pain find relief?
How can those in fear find love?
How can those imprisoned find freedom?
How can those wronged find forgiveness?
Ask yourself: How do you find something?
The simple answer is: by looking.
How? you ask?
By looking for evidence of what you want, rather than how you think it is. Easy to say, hard to do.
Once I was getting my morning coffee at the local store and a woman a few steps away – also with a cup of coffee in hand – was looking up and down the shelves, sighing and expressing frustration. I asked her: “What are you looking for?” She said: “Oh, why don’t they have the non-dairy creamer I like?” She continued looking.
“That is the wrong question”, I said, taking a chance. Surprised, she stopped looking and focused on me for a moment. “What do you mean?”, she said. “You are asking for the reason why you can’t get what you want, rather than for what you want”, I answered. “Ok”, she went, turning her attention back to the shelves, “Where is my non-dairy crea… Oh, there it is!” She found it. It was a rare moment. “Thank you” she said, “I think I just learned something”. I wished her well.
From what I understand: The brain is a curious organ. Its prime directive is to protect itself and the body by collecting information about the environment we are in, spot patterns and make rules about what things are and how they behave. It is almost as if it is proud of its knowledge, because once it “knows” something, it shies away from information that could challenge this belief. Add stress to the equation and the mind becomes an impenetrable fortress.
People who are stressed are rarely inquisitive.
People who are hungry are not philosophical.
In India many temples have two statues of demi-gods next to the entrance – not guarding the truth, but being present to it. One represents paradox, the other, confusion. A paradox is when two “facts” collide in your mind contradicting each other. For a moment, the mind “locks up” and something new can enter. Confusion is the state when the mind has given up its leading role for a moment. The only thing that can “open” the mind for new possibilities is something that makes no sense. A serious accident can open the mind, an unexpected gift, seeing a UFO or having a spiritual experience can be events that open new paths. In psychology some call these events a pattern-interrupt. My question to the woman in the store was a pattern interrupt. She did not expect a stranger to address her in that way.
How do you find peace and harmony within, when you are filled with knowledge of how stressful the world is? How do you make room in your mind for something new, something you need, but do not yet know what it is?
May I suggest you engage with things that make no sense, like poetry, music, meditation, long walks, prayer, silence, being with nature, visit a gallery or doing something similar. Engage in an activity that does not produce money, food, clothing and as such has no logical utility. Finding a place of silence is the first step to hearing the voice within yourself which will tell you what you need.