Simon Says

Adventure of Caring's Executive Director, Simon Fox offers good thoughts.
Five Antidotes to Stress

Five Antidotes to Stress

There are five non-physical threats or stressors that cause illness in primates. They are described by Robert Sapolksy, Ph.D. in his book, "Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers". These primal threats are the essential ingredients of any horror movie: 1) No control over...

7 Things to Know

7 Things to Know

Seven Things Everyone in Health Care Should Know about Self-Care   1. Self-care is a choice. “The key to healing” says Gabor Maté in his book, When the Body Says No, “is the individual’s free, active, and informed choice.” It is also the key to quality self-care....

The Secret Language of Healing

The Secret Language of Healing

Some gifted doctors and nurses know it, so do some psychologists and other health professionals. But most do not. This is the language that makes healing possible. It is active in the healing of trauma, illness, and relationships. In patients, families, and...