Tools for Community Caregivers
to Cultivate and Sustain Compassion
Online or DVD Videos for Caregivers and First Responders.
Accessible to anyone with a desktop, laptop, tablet or smart phone.
Instructor’s Materials.
Videos, manuals and handouts for teaching a group of volunteers the Art of Compassion.
Caring for others on an ongoing basis – either as a volunteer or family caregiver – is a challenge few are prepared for. Physically, mentally and emotionally. Communication often reaches a breaking point because the skills to engage on a human level has not been learned. It is not a subject that is taught in schools or universities and for a good reason: It can not be memorized like learning a periodic table or how to operate a fire-extinguisher. Yet without the element we call Compassion present, healing often fails, personal satisfaction is absent, and stress and burnout sets in. The journey of caring for others can be an adventure or nightmare, depending on the ability to convey compassion.
Training for Volunteers
Online Videos or DVD, plus booklet for volunteers, community/family caregivers to cultivate and sustain compassion
In this inspiring, best-selling video Karen Fox and her team show how to treat the sick, injured, and dying with compassion. They demonstrate the four things that must happen in conversation for a person who is suffering to experience compassion.
These are the fundamental skills needed to build a bridge to the other person’s world, to get compassion across, in such a way that he or she now realizes that you care. Karen and her team vividly demonstrate, with beauty and humor, and in real life situations, how anyone can learn to empower, encourage, bring hope, and lift the spirit.
This sequel to Communicating with Compassion shows how compassion is applied to resolve tough conversations.
You learn how to:
- Turn a difficult conversation into a discovery conversation.
- Identify three layers of a difficult conversation.
- Recognize pivotal moments when conversations can turn around.
Build stronger healing partnerships despite the difficulties.
Ideal for chaplains, volunteers, and family caregivers. The program features a wide variety of caregivers interacting real patients in real life, in entirely candid unscripted scenes. The emotions are real!
An inspiring booklet for those visiting the sick, or lonely. A distillation of thousands of hours spent by volunteers at bedsides – advice and inspiration written by Adverntures in Caring’s founders, Simon and Karen Fox.
Available as booklet or download for tablets.
This series would enlighten not only physicians and nurses, but has a place as a cornerstone of education for the entire multi-disciplinary team.
P.J. Woods, PhD, MBA, RN
Assistant Professor, University of New Mexico College of Nursing
Teach a Course
In-person turn-key programs for Group Leaders to teach the Art of Compassion to Community/Family Caregivers and Volunteers
Volume 1:
The Medicine of Compassion
Four foundational principles for treating patients with compassion.
Compassion in Action
How to treat patients with compassion under difficult circumstances.
Both programs include:
- 35-minute video.
Documentary-style production, original musical score and powerful real-life scenes guaranteed to inspire your audience and stimulate a deeply meaningful conversation. - 96-page Leader Guide
with class formats for a 90-minute session or a 3-hour workshop. Includes discussion questions, class exercises, and video index with teaching points for each scene, plus expert facilitator tips on how to get the most out of your group dialogue.
- Handouts for your audience,
formatted for easy copying. Three pages with definitions and summaries of the four core principles demonstrated in the videos.