

Pictured above: Author’s early attempt at Carpet Riding. Hello! Allow me to introduce myself: I am the man behind the camera of Adventures in Caring’s videos and it has been my privilege to work with Simon and Karen Fox for over 30 years – producing,...
What is Life About?

What is Life About?

People ask, what is life all about? After many years of asking, I can finally answer that question. It is about time. All us beings exist for an unspecified stint of time. We work, eat, reproduce, experience each other according to our senses, and leave everything we...
Live Music

Live Music

Music has existed in every tribe and at any time of recorded history.  Every race, creed, religion, had music for as long as we have used language, perhaps even longer. Scientist say human beings acquired the ability to speak about 40,000 years ago.  So for at least...
Free Will or Fate?

Free Will or Fate?

Everyone at some point seem to come to the question of free will. Are we just passengers on a journey where our future is mapped out already, or do we have freedom to change and choose our fate? See what you think in the following parable – or better yet, listen...
7 Things to Know

7 Things to Know

Seven Things Everyone in Health Care Should Know about Self-Care   1. Self-care is a choice. “The key to healing” says Gabor Maté in his book, When the Body Says No, “is the individual’s free, active, and informed choice.” It is also the key to quality self-care....
Five Antidotes to Stress

Five Antidotes to Stress

There are five non-physical threats or stressors that cause illness in primates. They are described by Robert Sapolksy, Ph.D. in his book, “Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers”. These primal threats are the essential ingredients of any horror movie: 1) No control...
What is Life About?

The Secret Language of Healing

Some gifted doctors and nurses know it, so do some psychologists and other health professionals. But most do not. This is the language that makes healing possible. It is active in the healing of trauma, illness, and relationships. In patients, families, and...
About Passion

About Passion

I don’t know if you’d had a long or short life,or how many ups and downs you’ve had. But it seems to me that to have a satisfying life you’ve got to, got to, got to know your passion. Not just for what feeds you, but what gives you reason to live. The question from me...
A Place of Silence

A Place of Silence

Where is your place of silence?Mine is sitting at a piano. Angel in the Clouds by Bent Myggen, BMI | Apotheosis https://adventuresincaring.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/5-Angel-in-the-Clouds.mp3 You, as well as I, was granted life – by whom or what – or why – I...